Dietmar Berger è nato a Colonia. Ha studiato violoncello al Musikhochschule Aachen (Aquisgrana) con Klaus Heitz e Kai Scheffler. Ha poi continuato i suoi studi sotto la guida di Claus Reichardt presso il Robert Schumann Musikhochschule a Düsseldorf. Ha infine terminato la sua formazione al Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Musikhochschule a Lipsia, sotto la guida di Roland Baldini e con l’esperto in viola da gamba Sigfried Pank. Dopo aver terminato i suoi studi, è stato membro dell’orchestra Landesbühnen Sachsen di Dresden dal 1993 al 2000. Ora vive a Colonia e suona il violoncello e la viola da gamba con rinomati ensemble come il Delos Trio (con Gudrun Höbold, violino, e Hubert Käppel, chitarra) sia in Germania che all’estero. Dietmar Berger ha ricevuto diverse borse di studio ed ha al suo attivo diverse composizioni musicali. Lavora come editor e compositore per Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, Lipsia, Dohr publications a Colonia e Edition Walhall a Magdeburg. Numberosi Cd e passaggi televisivi sono la prova della sua rinomanza sia come solista che all’interno di ensembles. Nell’estate del 2015 l’Etichetta Naxos ha realizzato il suo CD „The Berlin Gamba Book, chorale variations for the viola da gamba“
Dietmar Berger was born in Cologne. He studied cello at the Musikhochschule Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) with Klaus Heitz and Kai Scheffler. He continued his studies under Claus Reichardt at the Robert Schumann Musikhochschule in Düsseldorf. He completed his education at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Musikhochschule in Leipzig under Roland Baldini as well as the viola da gamba player Sigfried Pank. After finishing his studies, he was a member of the orchestra of the Landesbühnen Sachsen in Dresden from 1993-2000. He now lives in Cologne and plays cello as well as viola da gamba in renowned ensembles such as the Delos Trio (with Gudrun Höbold, violin, and Hubert Käppel, guitar) both in Germany and abroad. Dietmar Berger has received several scholarships, including painting and musical composition. He works as an editor and composer for Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, Leipzig, Dohr publications in Cologne and Edition Walhall in Magdeburg. Numerous recordings on CD and TV prove his importance as a solo artist as well as a member of ensembles. In summer 2015 his CD „The Berlin Gamba Book, chorale variations for the viola da gamba“ was released (Naxos).