
Categories: , , , SKU: LDV 14061



Transcription and orchestration by Giovanni Battista Columbro

Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 6. No. 4

Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 6. No. 1

Concerto Grosso in F Major, Op. 6. No. 9

Concerto Grosso in C Minor, Op. 6. No. 3

Concerto Grosso in C Major, Op. 6. No. 10

Concerto Grosso in G Minor, Op. 6. No. 8

on original instruments

Sulla scorta delle numerose trascrizioni dell’Op. Sesta, in questa nostra nuova proposta l’organico si allarga dai soli archi agli strumenti a fiato. Tale presenza non deve apparire straniante, in quanto è ormai comprovato che le orchestre corelliane prevedessero una cospicua presenza di fiati. Al contrario di altre trascrizioni la nostra versione lascia intatte le tonalità originali e affida sovente ai due Traversieri il ruolo originariamente affidato ai due Violini solisti, secondo la prassi assai comune nelle prime decadi del Settecento.

On the wave of the transcriptions of opus VI, in this Album we employed wind instruments in addition to the strings. This choice is a philological one seeing that, after years of research it has been proved that in the Corellian orchestras there was a significant presence of wind instruments. In our version the original tonalities have been maintained (which does not often happen in other transcriptions) and the original parts of the two solo violins have been assigned to two transverse flutes as it happened in the first decades of the XVIII Century.

1 CD

Giovanni Battista Columbro, traversiere I
Enrico Gramigna, violin I
Tommaso Simonetta Sandri, traversiere II
Jacopo Columbro, violin II
Giacomo Biagi, cello
Sofia Ferri, theorbo
Tatiani Romo Bocanegra, Lino Megni, violin
Marta Pizio, viola
Fabio Longo, violone
Yoan Otano, bassoon
Luigi Fontana, harpsichord
Eddy de Rossi, harp

Additional information

Weight 120 g


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