Organista e clavicembalista, ha suonato in Europa, America, Giappone come solista e continuista, collaborando con famosi direttori ed esecutori (come C. Hogwood, G. Leonhardt, M. Radulescu, R. Clemencic, S. Vartolo, C. Miatello, C. Desderi, M. Brunello, M. Stockausen, P. Wispelwey e M. Maisky), con molti gruppi vocali e strumentali, orchestre e solisti ed ha registrato oltre 90 CD. Si occupa regolarmente di ricerca musicologica e ha pubblicato diverse edizioni critiche ed articoli specialistici.
An organist and harpsichordist, he has played in Europe, America, Japan as a soloist and figured bass player, collaborating with famous conductors and performers (such as C. Hogwood, G. Leonhardt, M. Radulescu, R. Cle-mencic, S. Vartolo, C. Miatello, C. Desderi, M. Brunello, M. Stockausen, P. Wispelwey and M. Maisky), with many vocal and instrumental groups, orchestras and soloists and has recor-ded over 90 CDs. He regularly deals with musicological research and has published several critical editions and specialist articles.